Apartment buildings
Apartment building
- Land: 636 m2
- Max. stoppability: 30%
- Max. built-up area: 190.8 m2
- Built-up area of the designed apartment building: 168.7 m2
- Parking capacity: 8 places
- Capacity 1.np: 2 apartments
- Capacity 2nd and 3rd floor: 4 apartments
- A total of 10 apartments
Other projects
CONTACTThe first step
The first step
is up to you
We will help you with everything else.
- low cost
- fast construction
- sustainability
- fast return of investment
- precise quality
AUKLAN a. s.
Vlastimila Pecha 1276/5
627 00 Brno-Černovice
IČ: 14287854 DIČ: CZ14287854
Společnost je zapsána v obchodním rejstříku, vedeném
u Krajského soudu v Brně, oddíl B, vložka 8680