About us

We give you back
the courage to build

We are facing a real estate crisis, expensive materials and non-ecological construction. We want to create the future on an economical and sustainable basis.


We fight against slow and expensive construction. We give back to people, companies and industry the possibility to build quickly, cheaply and sustainably.


We believe that steel construction will be the fastest growing technology in the construction industry by 2030. Thanks to it, we can build enough apartments, houses, commercial buildings and kindergartens.


  • Courage

    We are not afraid to stir up the conservative waters of the construction market. When it no longer makes sense to build only from bricks, concrete and wood, it is not time to wait, but to come up with a solution.

  • Speed

    We cut construction time up to half. We usually complete your projects within a few weeks. All thanks to sufficient material stocks and millimeter precision of pre-made parts.

  • Affordability

    Real estate should not only be for more fortunate. At the same time it is safer, more functional and gentler than classic alternatives.

  • ESG

    We think about the planet and ESG commitments. Our construction is made from recycled steel and is again 100% recyclable. There is no consumption of non-renewable resources or generation of unwanted waste on the construction site.




The first step
is up to you

We will help you with everything else.

  • Checkmark low cost
  • Checkmark fast construction
  • Checkmark sustainability
  • Checkmark fast return of investment
  • Checkmark precise quality

AUKLAN a. s.
Vlastimila Pecha 1276/5
627 00 Brno-Černovice

IČ: 14287854 DIČ: CZ14287854

Společnost je zapsána v obchodním rejstříku, vedeném
u Krajského soudu v Brně, oddíl B, vložka 8680

Contact Us EN

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